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Knee Decompression

This free report was written by James Bergtold DC, with nearly three decades of clinical experience treating some of the most challenging pain conditions in the human body, including knee pain due to arthritis and other causes. This training allows him to properly diagnose what the cause of the knee pain is and offer research-based, non-drug and non-surgical options.

Living with Knee Pain

I want to start this report by addressing the suffering and fears you likely are experiencing if you are living with knee pain. It makes walking painful, and it can threaten your livelihood if you are on your feet a lot. Having knee pain can cause you to limp, which affects the joints above, like the hip and lower back. It can limit your ability to exercise, which can lead to weight gain and put you at risk for heart and other health issues. Knee pain affects approximately 30-40% of adults by age 65. Knee pain and arthritis symptoms are life-changing, and many people suffer greatly from the following: aching, stiffness, pain with walking, limping, and avoidance of many activities that they enjoy.

While there are no absolute guarantees in healthcare, for many of you reading this guide there is hope for significant and meaningful improvement to your condition. There are advanced research-based non-drug and non-surgical options now being used throughout the United States. These are options your traditional doctor will not tell you about. There are ways to promote cartilage healing, lessen inflammation, and improve range of motion and function. Better sleep, less pain while walking, and better quality of life is possible with many people currently suffering from knee pain.

Let's talk about:

  • What causes knee pain
  • How modern medicine approaches this problem
  • Different types of knee pain
  • Alternative treatments that work
  • How to determine if you are a good candidate for alternative types of treatment


The most common cause of knee pain in those aged 65 and older is osteoarthritis. This is arthritis mostly due to wear and tear and chronic inflammation that breaks down the cartilage lining in the knee joint. As this cushion is lost and the bones come closer together, pain will often occur once it reaches a certain threshold of degeneration.

People that have this many times, but not always, report some old injury earlier in life. Many people that develop pain on the inner side of the knee due to arthritis have imbalances and arch problems in their feet that are a potential cause of the subsequent knee problem.

Another common cause of knee pain in athletes and more middle-aged people is a tear in the meniscus, which is the cartilage lining in the knee. This often results from an injury, but also can develop gradually in some people due to wear and tear and stress on the knee from certain occupations.

Sprains and strains are caused by injuries common to athletes or from slips and falls. A proper examination is necessary to determine what has been injured and what the extent of the injury is. Sometimes, because of an incorrect diagnosis or improper treatment or advice, these injuries can become chronic, causing daily pain that doesn’t seem to go away.

Another common cause is bursitis or tendonitis. These usually develop from acute injuries, repetitive strains, or faulty foot alignment. Often, there is some degree of inflammation in the involved tendon or bursa, which is sometimes visible to the naked eye.

Finally, a condition called osteochondritis dessicans is yet another cause of knee pain. It is a knee joint condition in which bone underneath the cartilage of a joint dies due to lack of blood flow. This bone and cartilage can then break loose, causing pain and possibly hindering joint motion. This condition occurs most often in children and adolescents. It can cause symptoms either after an injury or after several months of activity, especially high-impact activity, such as jumping and running, that affects the joint.

Medical Treatment Options

Medical treatment options fall under what we call the “drug it, numb it, cut it” approach. The first line of treatment will usually involve some type of over-thecounter or prescription-strength painkiller or antiinflammatory. These certainly can provide symptomatic relief, but they can also produce some considerable side effects, including bleeding ulcers, kidney damage, liver damage, and an acceleration of the degenerative process in the case of arthritis. Yes, you read that right, these drugs have been shown in studies to actually speed up the degenerative process. Also, studies show in the case of injury taking these medications beyond the first few days actually slows the healing process considerably.

Clearly the “drug it” approach is not a good long-term option. If and when this fails to provide enough relief, then typically an injection will be tried. This usually involves a steroid shot or possibly a synvisc injection to try to lubricate the cartilage. These approaches can relieve pain for days, weeks, and even sometimes months, but eventually the relief wears off, especially if the underlying problem causing the pain is not addressed. Frequently repeat injections will be tried until they finally fail to provide further relief. Just as in the case of the drugs, shooting cortisone into joints actually speeds up the process of degeneration and can cause tissue destruction and break down, so the “numb it” approach too is not a good option long term.

Finally, when the drugs and shots no longer work, a surgical (cut it) option is offered. Total knee replacement utilization in the United States more than doubled from 1999 to 2008. Certainly in some cases of knee pain this may be the only option that may help, but it also comes with considerable risks and downtime while healing.

Alternative Treatment Options

There is no one magic bullet cure for treating all cases of knee pain. It takes a comprehensive approach to find and address the cause and then to correct or at least improve the damage that has occurred. We use the following advanced, research-based treatment components:

Knee On Trac is a state-of-the-art traction device that allows for non-surgical mechanical traction to the knee. Traction provides a gentle way to induce separation in the joint, which can relieve pressure on the meniscus, allow better circulation, and has been shown to stimulate healing in the cartilage.

When a knee joint is degenerated and the bones are closer together, traction provides a very gentle, soothing distraction to the joint. It feels good and is very relieving of pressure in painful arthritic or injured knee(s). Traction is one of the best treatment options available, especially for arthritic knees. It has been shown in studies to be osteogenic (stimulates bone health), angiogenic (stimulates blood flow), and promotive of visco-elastic changes (molecular rearrangement). Red Rock Chiropractic Center is the only clinic in this entire area of the state that offers this breakthrough technology.

MLS (Multiwave Locked System) Laser Therapy is a class IV laser and is the most powerful available on the market for treating knee pain. Bergtold Chiropractic is the only clinic in Collier County with such an advanced laser. Laser therapy is totally painless, and it has been shown in numerous studies to reduce pain, reduce inflammation, and stimulate healing in injured and painful knee joints. The laser uses two different wavelengths: one works on pain and one works on inflammation. They are synced together to produce a synergistic effect. This powerful therapy can be used on all knee conditions and sometimes is combined with Knee On Trac traction therapy.

Chiropractic adjustments and custom orthotics can help to correct misalignments in the joints of the knee and help to improve range of motion. Improving joint alignment and motion is crucial in helping to resolve many knee pain conditions. Dr. Bergtold’s chiropractic training allows him to know which joints need to be adjusted and to do it in a very precise and gentle manner. Many alignment issues in the knee are caused by faulty balance and alignment in the feet. This is the most overlooked cause of knee pain.

Targeted supplementation for natural antiinflammatory support can be prescribed. We utilize an exciting and well-researched supplement called Joint Complex. The ingredients contained in this supplement help to regrow joint cartilage, replace fluid in the joints, relieve pain or stiffness and improve mobility. The dosage is only one capsule per day which makes it easy for people to take. Over time this can help to reduce or eliminate the need for much riskier prescription and over-the-counter antiinflammatories.

Key things to Keep in Mind

Again, there is no one magic bullet cure for treating knee pain. It takes a comprehensive approach to find and address the cause then correct or at least improve the damage that has occurred. The approach we have outlined in this report treats pain and inflammation, improves range of motion, improves alignment and stimulates healing. It is a safe, effective, non-drug and non-surgical treatment that works.

Can you be Helped?

A thorough review of your condition and overall health history and a thorough examination is the only way to determine the state of your knee condition and if it can be helped. We will be honest with you. If your condition is too severe, has been present for too long, or if you are unwilling to make changes and follow the program then we will tell you we cannot help. On the other hand, if your history and exam shows us a treatable condition and you are willing to make some changes and follow the program, then we will let you know that we likely can help. Clinics around the country with similar treatment options and programs to ours report a 70-90% success in helping most knee pain cases. Our goal is to reduce your symptoms by a minimum of 50% or more. In some severe cases, 50% improvement is a huge success in quality of living, and many patients will see more improvement than that. Total and complete healing is not always attainable, but we have seen most cases achieve well over 50% symptom relief.

Are you Ready?

Your options now are to do nothing, continue to do whatever it is you’ve been doing, or to try this researchbacked, comprehensive program. Chances are if you’re reading this report, you are looking for more answers and other options, and it may be safe to assume what you are currently doing is not working. Remember, the “drug it, numb it, cut it” approach is the only option you will be given in a traditional model. The approach we have outlined can provide a great alternative that is likely to help considerably. Call us at 239-593-6788 to schedule your first appointment. Our staff will guide you through the paperwork process and can answer any additional questions you may have about the program.

Your First Visit

We will review your symptoms and overall health history and perform a thorough examination. We will also review any tests of your knee that you may have had elsewhere in order to determine if you are a good candidate for our program. If you are a good candidate, we will review your specific program details and set up a schedule. Again, if after reviewing your history and exam we feel you are not a good candidate, we will be honest with you about why and will do our best to guide you in the right direction.

Ask Yourself these Questions:

  • How has your knee pain affected your work, family, relationships, recreational activities and finances?
  • How much sleep has your pain robbed from you?
  • How often are you avoiding walking or exercising because of your pain, and how do you think this affects your overall health?
  • What is it worth to you if your condition could be improved?
  • How will your condition be in 5 years if you don’t take care of it now?
  • Are you willing to make some changes?

We are here to Help

Dr. Bergtold has invested a tremendous amount of time, training and expense to bring a program with this level of technology to our area. We are the only clinic in Naples with the training, equipment and experience to take on some of the most challenging and complex cases of knee pain. We look forward to helping you to achieve better health and much needed pain relief.